City of Swansea Junior Section

Update 09/09/2015 Junior Dinner - Franky and Bennies
Great time had by all - Thanks you to F & B staff for looking after us
Congratulations to the Award winners
We have added to the Saturday morning sessions with a week night land training session on a Thursday. This is intended to develop the juniors flexibility and strength using indoor rowing machines and a body weight fitness sessions.
There is also a water session on a wednesday night aimed primarily at the older group (Yr 11 and above) who are looking at welsh trials and higher level competition.
We also have sessions running in schools in the Swansea Valley area please see our section on School Rowing Clubs.
Keep up the training guys.
April 1st 2012 - Bristol Channel Row (sponsored event)
Some of you may know (or have heard) that Ton is going on expedition in August and needs to raise money to pay for the trip. The participants are encouraged to raise the money themselves instead of expecting parents to pay for the trip for them and Tom was looking for ways to generate a lot of cash in one testing event.
Tom along with his Dad and his friend Louis (also a club member) decided to have a crack at the Britol Channel Row from ilfracombe to the knab at Mumbles.
This they achieved on Sunday in 7hours and 30mins which for two 16 year olds is an awesome achievement.
the pair had a number of high profile sponsors including John Weaver who has sponsored them a substantial amount of money.
The Money they have raised will be split between Toms trip fund and the Club
Thanks Boys and all who have sponsored you
if you would like to make a donation to Tom and Louis's fund raising event please let me know at traning
Monday March 19th 2012 - Junior Sculling Head
The Senior Boys Quad, with a boat kindly lent by Wycliffe College (thanks Johnny), Competed at the Junior Scullers Head in the J17 4x event. there were a number of good crews racing over three 1800m legs with the times being agregated to give one race time.
the boys raced the first leg really well - not quite settling to their stride but not far off. the time posted was great about midway up the division. Unfortunately despite visably taking lengths out of the crews in front of them in the second leg they cought a crab at 1000m and finished slower than they should have done. this unfortunately also meant that Ieuan was unable to complete the third leg and so the crew (tom, Ben and Louis) raced the last leg with only three in the boat. even with the crab and the three man crew they still finished above three crews and posted a respecable time.
March 11th 2012 - IRR Trials Bristol
Stephan, Becca and Becky took part in Inter Reigional Reggatta Trials for WAGS and Wales at Avon County Rowing Club. Unfortunately they didn't qualify this year but still put in some very good performances notably Stephan in only his 3rd 1x outing ever and the girls dead heated (2nd) with a very good Avon County Crew.
March 3rd 2012 - Cardiff Head
The Senior Boys went to Cardiff Head of the river in a bit of a rush on saturday - the aim was to give the crew some race experience before going to the junior scullers head. the boys did well but unfortunately in their excitement they managed not to record a time despite half the marshals and umpires shouting at them as they rowed fast - now thats what I call focused!
October 2009 - Evesham Head
Sarah H took some of the older members of the junior section to Evesham HOR the other day. The object of the trip was to get a good idea of how quick we were moving and what sort of distance we needed to makeup to get on racing terms with the opposition from around the contry.
This plan back fired a little when we brought home a gold in the W18 2-, Silver in the W17 2x and Bronze in the W17 1x. Rhys and Jo did very well in a probably the toughest catagory of the day J16 2x, coming last but with a time that was in the mix with the opposition.
We were all a little non-plused by these results but are not resting on our laurels - Pangbourne is going to be tough!
Spring Bank Holiday - Monmouth Regatta
Once again we had hoards of juniors at Monmouth Regatta on spring bank holiday weekend. The junior boys rowed a J13 4x+ and did remarkably well making an improvement from Evesham. Comment has to be made abouth Ieuan and Louis who wear their heart on their sleve every time they race. They put up a fantastic fight against the Griffiths twins from Hereford/Monmouth with a lot of needle dating back from the ergo champs when Ieuan unexpectedly beat them. I have to say though that I am convinced they capsized and got back in before the end as they were soaked :) Sarah and Trys were out racing again on the saturday and had drawn Exeter who had put them out at evesham in the semi final. As you can see from the picture they were dominant and took out two good exeter crews to win the WJ16 2x short course.Once again, well done Hywell for coxing the J154x+ in a very animated and agressive way a bit more of this is what we want - a very satisfying result all round. Watch out Llandaff Regatta!
May 2nd - Evesham Regatta