Sponsors and Donations
Welcome to our Sponsors page - information on sponsorship deals and donations also details of sponsorship opertunities with the Club
We would like to thank all our sponsors and benefactors over the last 10 years
The last 5 years have been great for City of Swansea Rowing Club
with funding opportunities and fund raising producing a whopping £15000 for new boats with the help once again from Sport Wales.
Unfortunately with the match-funding the club had to make we are now a little worse for wear financially and are actively fundraising and seeking new sponsors.
The Club are running a monthly Raffle with one themed prize for each Draw.
We would like to thanks Jess Harker for her kind donation of a hand made (by her) paper cut Family Tree for our February raffle draw for Mothers day. - Thanks Jess
Previous Sponsorship deals
Over the last 10 years include £1000 from Afon Tinplate Co. ltd a local tinplate printing company who make amongst other things the Tate and Lyle golden syrup tins.
Afon have supported us over the years by housing the 'Freddie' after its tragic accident in the car park, until it was dried out and we could see if it was repairable. Unfortunately (depending on how you look at it) the boat was damaged beyond repair and on recieving this news the MD of Afon Tinplate at the time Bill Boyd offered us a sponsorship Deal of £1000 for a safety launch that was so badly needed for the club. Thanks to their enthusiasm and the help of Sports Wales, we were able to Sports Match the money and buy, with a bit of extra fund raising 3 pairs of sculling blades for the junior section to match a pair that had been bought second hand a couple of months earlier.
We have also been lucky enough to secure a £450 cheque from the FUJITSU Impact on Sociey fund, a regional fund design to help community groups and schools. The money was greatfully recieved and was designated as funding for the junior section and has been used as the extra funding for the junior blades purchased through the Sports Match award.
The really BIG story of 2009 was a donation from the MARS Refuel Fund.
The Club applied for a small grant from the MARS Refuel Fund toward equipment for junior and adaptive activity in the club. the Application was made on line and we waited. Out of the blue we had a call from Talk Sport Radio saying we had been short listed by the panel for the one off £5000 award and that the winner would be chosen on air that evening. We were stitched up! they had already made the decision and the Clubs application had touched the Judges with the candid way we had described our modest facilities and what we had achieved with them.
We are VERY greatful to MARS and Escapade the Ad company managing the fund on MARS's behalf. Helen Jenkins the current World Champion Triathelete, who is sponsored by the MARS Refuel fund, came down to present the club with the £5000 cheque on June 2nd. |
The Club have always got opportunities for sponsorship available.
Particularly in the Junior and Adaptive areas of the club. Currently we have one of our Junior Boys competing for a place Welsh Junior level with a possible place in the Home Countries international, we also have had a Club member representing GB in adaptive rowing having competed and coming 5 at the Beijing Paralympics.
These achievements take a lot of planning and already we are looking at juniors for 2018 and 2019 Welsh representation. We need good quality equipment to support them through the training and this unfortunately does not come cheap.
Unlike most other rowing clubs City of Swansea Rowing Club has no profit making club house and no premises of their own to organise fund raising. We are extremely grateful to the Swansea Yacht and Sub Aqua Club for the use of their premises at very modest cost to the club, with out them we would not exist.
Swansea Council are also very helpful and are currently identifying property and a development fund for a Swansea Water-sports Centre to house a number of small private water-sports clubs such as ourselves.
This means we are almost totally reliant on outside funding for large projects like new boats which cost between £1500 for a single to £7000 for a coxed 4.
If you are interested in supporting our club in whatever way please contact us through email. Sponsorship of as little as £300 can now be sports matched and this would provide a pair of sculling blades or a second hand single scull.
Please support us!